Cheers to 2022, and self-reflection.
Cheers to 2022.
The only thing we can say for sure about the New Year is that if we make it to the other side we’ll be older, and hopefully wiser.
Part of being wise is taking the time to self-reflect, which seems to come naturally to us on New Year’s Day.
To up the intensity level, I asked myself these three questions I read in a recent Wall Street Journal article by Anne Tergesen. The questions are ones that George Kinder, 73, the founder of the Kinder Institute of Life Planning, asks his clients. He uses them as an exercise to prompt financial clarity, but I found that answering them took me to an even deeper place that has helped me focus on the larger picture of what my soul truly wants this year, and beyond.
What would you do if you had all the time and money in the world?
How would you live if you knew you only had 5 to 10 years left?
What would you most regret if you died tomorrow?