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Oatmeal is boring, right?  

Not necessarily. With a handful of healthy mix-ins you can take your morning meal from dull to decadent with this idea for Carrot Cake Oatmeal.  

Start out with oatmeal made your favorite way.  

If you prefer to cook plain oatmeal on the stovetop, when it’s done stir in your favorite spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg and a little brown sugar. Then mix in golden raisins and shredded carrots. Let the heat soften the raisins and carrots. Then top it with chopped pecans and a dollop of plain or vanilla Greek yogurt. The yogurt mimics the cream cheese frosting of a carrot cake. 

If you go the easy route and use the instant version, add your mix-ins to the bowl before you cook it in the microwave.  

For a version that tastes similar to strawberry cheesecake, puree strawberries and add to the oatmeal before it’s heated, then top with vanilla Greek yogurt. Or swap the pureed strawberries for whole blueberries.  

Either way, you’ll feel like you ate dessert for breakfast, but without the guilt. And its hearty enough to fuel you through a busy morning