/Hop in your Carrot Car and zoom over to World Market for these adorable Easter treats and decor before somebunny else snaps them up. We found all these these items, including this Natural Fiber Bunny in a Carrot Car ($14.99), at the World Market at Cotswold Mall. Added bonus: Since we first mentioned these items, many are on sale now for 20 to 50 percent off.
Jade Colored Glass Pedestal Stands in various sizes, $19.99-$29.99. German-designed Nestler Vintage Style Bunny Plates, set of four, $29.99. Hatching Chick Ceramic Cookie Jar, $12.99. Hollow German Chocolate wrapped in pink, yellow, orange and green floral print, $3.99 each.
Frey Milk Chocolate Bunny in a metallic green tin (also in metallic pink and metallic green), $9.99. Blue and Green Robins Eggs set of 13, $9.99. Fabric Chicks Set, $19.96. European Bunny Nutcrackers, $29.98.
It's Easter for the equestrian with this Large Horse Kraft Gift Bag, set of two, $7.98. Try these Sequined Bunny Ear Clips, $7.98, on your grandkids, pets, and yes, you. Have fun with these Bunny Novelty Glasses with Whiskers, $6.99. No matter what your age, you'll be the hit of your Easter gathering if you wear this Fuzzy Bunny Tail, $3.99.